30 Trainees Departure to Japan – ReNet (Cambodia) HR Co., Ltd.
On December 24, 2022, Renet (Cambodia) HR Co., Ltd. sent 30 trainees to work in Japan in accordance with the Ministry Of Labour And Vocational Training. On December 24, 2022, Renet (Cambodia) HR Co., Ltd. sent 30 trainees to work in Japan in accordance with the Ministry Of Labour And Vocational Training. Our trainees expressed his impression, “They were so excited that it was the first time he had traveled to work in Japan like this!” December 25, 2022 They also added, “Learning Japanese is only three months fast, and teachers are very attentive to both teaching and a good daily life.” Renet (Cambodia) HR Co., Ltd and all the team are very happy to see all our students succeed like this. And for year 2023, the company plans to send an additional 300 trainees in line with the actual needs of our partners in Japan.